Summer Meeting booking open
We are excited to announce the agenda for our Summer Meeting on Wednesday 28th June 2017 12-5pm at the Royal College of General Practitioners near Euston.

The meeting will begin with a networking lunch from midday, followed by presentations:
Sustainability and Transformation Plans - the Future for Respiratory: Professor Mike Roberts, Clinical Academic Lead for Population Health and Programme, Director of the UCL Partners Education Lead Provider Programme.
Diagnostics and Lung Physiology – Respiratory Failure: Dr Patrick Murphy, Consultant Physician, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
A Home Ventilation Service: Sam Prigmore, Respiratory Nurse Consultant at St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust
We also have two exciting workshops:
Case Studies in Respiratory Failure and NIV (with Feedback): facilitated by the speakers and committee
Inhalers (practical) facilitated by: Ravijyot Saggu, Senior Clinical Pharmacist and Honorary Lecturer, Medicine and Emergency Services, University College London