Campaign for a Respiratory national disease strategy
The BLF have launched a new campaign to improve the care and support received by people with lung disease and prevent more people developing a lung condition. It’s one of the boldest campaigns they’ve ever run, but it’s critical for the 12 million who have been diagnosed with a lung condition and the millions more who are at risk of developing one.

This month the BLF published a new economic report which found that lung disease costs the economy £11 billion every year. Given the number diagnosed, we would expect this. However, despite this investment, the Battle for Breath report last summer found that lung disease mortality rates have stagnated over the last ten years - we now have the 4th highest in Europe.
The Cancer and Mental Health Strategies are already transforming care in their respective fields. Lung disease needs this level of attention if we are to end our poor track record in patient outcomes. That’s why the BLF are now asking the Government and NHS England to commit to a Taskforce for Lung Health to develop a five year strategy to improve respiratory services and the nation’s lung health.
You can show your support for the campaign by emailing your MP, MSP or AM and letting them know. You can do this by going to the Battle for Breath webpage – - and giving your name and post code.
Nathan Bennett, BLF